Purley on Thames CC

Purley on Thames CC - Walking cricket

Walking cricket for the over 55s at Purley on Thames CC

We're pleased to now offer and support a Walking Cricket group for the over 55s.

Outdoors - Wednesdays (up to and including) 4th September 2024
11.00am to 1.00pm
Purley on Thames Cricket Club, Goosecroft Lane, RG8 8BW

Winter Indoors sessions from Wednesday 18th September
12noon to 1pm
Cotswold Sports Centre, Downs Way, Tilehurst RG31 6LS

A fun, social form of soft ball cricket for men and women over 55.
The aim is to provide exercise and social interaction, with occasional friendly matches with other walking cricket teams in Berkshire. 

New and experienced players welcome - all kit provided, plus tea, coffee & biscuits.

Contact: Karen Bishop for more details
07849 203780